World Head and Neck Cancer Day

World Head and Neck Cancer Day

There are over 500,000 cases and 200,000 head and neck cancer related deaths globally each year. With greater awareness of the signs and symptoms to look out for some of these cases are preventable.
The International Federation of Head and Neck Oncology Societies is working hard to showcase the importance of knowing all about these cancers and drawing attention to effective care and control of Head and Neck cancers. NALC, along with other UK Head and Neck Groups, fully supports promoting the day and working hard to increase awareness, risk factors, cessation, prevention, public education, screening, early diagnosis, physician education, outcomes and survivorship. By organisations from around the globe working together we will make steps towards beating this disease.

Currently far too many cases of head and neck cancer are discovered at a late stage, making treatment and a cure more difficult. What are the signs?

It is also important to raise awareness of the risk factors that can lead to head and neck cancers.

