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CLAN is the official free National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs Newsletter.
Published quarterly, each issue includes the latest news, views, advice, club events and individual interviews.
CLAN is posted free of charge, but your donation will go a long way in allowing us to continue our valuable work supporting laryngectomees and those who care about them. Please donate now!
Edited by Ian Honeysett and now in its 30th year, CLAN reaches a worldwide audience in over 40 countries, from Algeria to Uraguay, Brazil to Croatia, India to Kenya, and even to Mexico, The Philippines, South Africa and Turkey.
Together with CLAN’s Editor, Ian Honeysett, NALC President Malcolm Babb and Association Secretary Vivien Reed contribute to helping make CLAN the successful specialist publication it is today.
Click on one of the links below to download our CLAN Newsletter in PDF format.