Information Leaflets

Read or download our laryngectomee handbook and other publications dealing with living as a laryngectomee

NALC Publications

According to a survey carried out by The Information Standard, the majority of the general public believe that they would be better able to manage their own and their family’s health if they had quick and easy access to health information they could trust. The Information Standard was supported by the Department of Health and was launched to provide this kind of assurance. The system has since been updated though the principles remain the same.

When NALC made information leaflets available online, they were drafted under the supervision of The Information Standard, with input and scrutiny from leading clinicians. Since then only minor amendments have been necessary usually relating to updating contact details and reflecting changes in the NHS or the market for laryngectomy items. NALC continues to adhere to the 6 principles expected from producers of health information.

All of the documents here are in PDF format. If you are having trouble viewing them then you can download and install Adobe Reader using the link by clicking here.