The Future of NALC

The Future of NALC


I regret to report that NALC is struggling to continue its work. With charities it is usually a lack of funding that poses the greatest threat but, in our case, it is a lack of personnel. Key members have passed away, others have had to step down because of health issues or other reasons. In past editions of CLAN we have shared this problem but requests for new blood to join us in the work have not been successful. Last autumn I was diagnosed with a new throat cancer so will not be able to continue in my present role.

The Trustees, assisted by Medical Advisor Nimesh Patel, have been looking at how to resolve the current problems. NALC was formed in 1975 and so much has changed in that time in how people work and socialise. The Covid pandemic led to us switching to online meetings and then a lack of funds meant NALC could no longer sustain paid staff. All of this means the constitution and way of working it requires no longer fit current needs and preferences. The Trustees retain the belief that a national group for laryngectomees is essential in ensuring our community’s needs are met. We will be working to achieve this, even if it means starting again and setting up a new group.

More news on this will be published on this website and any urgent concerns can be sent to

Malcolm Babb

